GrapheR 1.9-86-5 (2023-11-06)
- small technical changes following CRAN request
GrapheR 1.9-86-4 (2023-10-06)
- small technical changes following CRAN request
GrapheR 1.9-86-3 (2020-12-15)
GrapheR 1.9-86 (2016-12-13)
- An error in the calculation of standard errors of proportions is corrected
GrapheR 1.9-85 (2015-10-18)
- A bug in calculation of proportions with NA's is fixed
- The way of displaying error bars is changed
GrapheR 1.9-84 (2014-07-27)
GrapheR 1.9-83 (2014-06-28)
GrapheR 1.9-82 (2013-03-30)
- A new argument exists for the function run.GrapheR() : figurej, to allow to choose the "FigureJ"
option when saving a graph. This will save the graph (and the associated code) in a format
adapted for the pulgin FigureJ of the Software ImageJ
GrapheR 1.9-81 (2013-03-02)
- A bug in displaying labels in box-and-whisker plots with 2 factors is fixed
GrapheR 1.9-80 (2012-11-10)
- A bug with bar plots and y-axis lower limit different from 0 is fixed
- A new argument exists for the function run.GrapheR() :, to generate and save the
code drawing the graphs without asking any question
- In the code generated, a section "Loading of the dataset" is added
GrapheR 1.9-78 (2012-10-07)
- A bug with box-and-whisker plots with 2 factors is fixed
- Size of whiskers in box-and-whisker plots can now be set to 0, extending whiskers to extreme
GrapheR 1.9-77 (2012-03-04)
- A bug occuring on Ubuntu is fixed. The GUI can now be used on this platform as with any other
GrapheR 1.9-76 (2012-02-04)
- A bug in axes drawing on box-and-whisker plots is fixed
- When drawing a boxplot with 2 factors, colors are managed in the same way as with bar plots
- Outliers are always displayed on box-and-whisker plots
- A legend can be added on box-and-whisker plots when using 2 factors. The legend is managed
in the same way as with bar plots
GrapheR 1.9-75-2 (2012-02-03)
- A German translation of the GUI and the user manual is available
- Levels of a factor can be re-ordered in a desired order
- An information message with R version, GrapheR version and date of graph creation
can be displayed near the graph
- A subtitle (smaller than the main title) can be displayed under the main title
- Labels on the vertical axis can be displayed horizontally or parallel to the axis
- A different box color and border color can be set for each box on box-and-whisker plots
- Color of whiskers is set as identical to color of border on box-and-whisker plots
- Color of outliers is set as identical to color of boxes on box-and-whisker plots
- A "+" symbolizing mean value can be added to the boxes on box-and-whisker plots
- Box width of box-and-whisker plots can be displayed proportionately to the number of
individuals in the corresponding group
- Default color (for histogramn, boxes and bars) is now "grey"
- When drawing a bar plot of means with 2 factors, design is checked. If factors are
not fully crossed, an error message is displayed and no graph is drawn
- Bars can be not displayed on bar plots, to display only mean or proportions values as points
- Number of individuals can be displayed just near their corresponding point on scatter plots
- For linear regression line (least squares method only) and quadratic regression line,
confidence interval of the line and/or prediction interval of values can be displayed
on scatter plots
- Graphs can nox be saved in .tiff extension
- Image resolution can be chosen between 72, 150, 300 and 600ppi when saving a graph